Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Prohibition poster from 1919

Now that will stop you drinking!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Russian Breakdance

Here is a video showing the Russion roots of breakdance!!


How to Stunt Growth

I was challenged by Pastor Paul de Jong's message at Life 08:

How to Stunt Growth

1. Have a diminished expectation
I need to increase my level of faith for everything I am involved in.

2.Give token appreciation
I need to actively honour others.

3. Have an absence of communication
I need to be concise in my communication.

4. Don't focus on replenishment
I need to explore how I am replenishing myself - emotionally and physically.

5. No longer prospect (i.e. explore, create)
I need to ensure I don't settle for the status quo.

6. Undervalue the small
I need to ensure I approach everything I do with a spirit of excellence.

7. Don't process the challenges
I need to make sure there are no issues bothering me, I have to deal with them.

8. Don't minister out of fresh revelation
I need to spend more in the word and listening to the holy Spirit for personal revelation.

9 Do it alone.
I need to ensure I am connecting with people who can encourage me in the journey


I love creativity in ministry. I was at our Voltage meeting on Friday (for Years 7 to 8) where they are doing a Myth Busters theme.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Coffee Designs

I like good coffee. Even better is when good coffe is presented well, like this one.

Here are some more for you to have a look at..http://www.weirdomatic.com/coffee-art.html... you can almost taste them...