For some teens hanging out with friends often means "just sitting and watching each other talk online." Sometimes they make definite plans to actually do something in person, like going to a movie. But mostly their friendships are online. Technology is so integrated into teens' lives that it's difficult to measure where their offline life begins and their online life ends. On average, teens say they spend almost three hours a day on the Internet on a typical day.For many teens, checking MySpace or Facebook is the first and last thing they do each day.
Some sites are a portal into an adult world that you many not want them to have. You can be exposed to pornography, forms of sexual activity that you find abhorrent, and discussions about drug use and alcohol parties.
All too often, many teens do not set sensible limits for how much information to share. They put themselves in danger by giving out too much personal information and communicating with strangers online.
Due to the anonymity of social networking sites, you can develop a false sense of security, making them vulnerable to enticement to meet strangers in person.
Youth are more readily exposed to inappropriate content and misinformation about things in life. There can be a false validation of certain behaviour.
Some people post inappropriate content, such as pictures from a drinking party, postings about taking drugs, real or invented sexual activity, or gossip about school peers. These kinds of behaviours can have serious consequences, like expulsion from school or difficulty later in life when the sites are reviewed by prospective employers or college admission officers.
This notion of teens being in touch all the time, anytime, is striking. This constant contact can result in increased peer pressure and relational issues.
Adolescence is a time for exploration and experimentation. Social networking sites offer a forum for teens to express themselves in creative ways, allowing them to try on different hats.
For shy teens or those who don’t have many friends, social networking sites can provide an outlet to meet other kids their own age who have similar interests.
By looking at your children’s an/or friends’ sites you can gain a sense of who they really are and how they perceive themselves.
Wise Internet use:
Limit time spent online, and put computers in a common area of the house so you can more easily monitor use.
Be clear and consistent about what is off limits — including Web sites, chat rooms, games, blogs, or certain music downloads — and how to handle information promoting drugs or sex. Discuss consequences for breaking the rules.
Become tech savvy. Teens Internet spaces are living diaries of their own an their friends, activities, and whereabouts.
Visit each others profiles and blogs - help each other out., Review your teen’s profile, pictures, video, and music uploads. Also check out the links that your teen includes on his/her page. These will give you a candid view of his/her thoughts on issues like drugs and dating as well as an inside glimpse of your teen’s friends and activities. Check out his/her “network,” as well, and what type of information is on his/her friends’ sites.
Remember that the Internet is public space and anyone, including college admissions offices, potential employers, and even predators, can see what they’re posting online. Talk to your teen about not posting personally identifiable information or regrettable pictures/videos and information.
Be wary of web information. There is a lot of misinformation on the web
Subscribe to an internet monitor such as covenant eyes.
1 comment:
Thanks for your well-thought post about Internet safety. Very needed conversation in today's Internet age.
I work for Covenant Eyes and it is always so good to hear testimonies from families that are benefiting from the software. It really does help to take the Internet surfing world out of the dark.
Hope all is well at your church. If anyone at your church is interested in a free month of Covenant Eyes to try it out, have them go to www.covenanteyes.com and enter promocode 'onefree' to receive a free 30 day trial of the program. That promo code is open to anyone who wants it!
God bless,
Luke Gilkerson
Internet Community Manager
Covenant Eyes
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