Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Il Nostro Meraviglioso Dio

Il Nostro Meraviglioso Dio

Jer 23:24
Potrebbe uno nascondersi nei nascondigli senza che io lo veda?», dice l'Eterno. «Non riempio io il cielo e la terra?», dice l'Eterno.

Can anyone hide in secret places
so that I cannot see him?"
declares the LORD.
"Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
declares the LORD.

Our God is big!!
Il Nostro Dio e` grande!

I was reminded of this while reading Wired Magazine this week. They feature some images from the Hubble Telescope! Have a look at the other images too!

Our Creator God fills the universe. His splendor is everywhere…and He loves and know even me!

Il Nostro Dio mi conosce !

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