Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Consumerism 3

Did it ever notice that Jesus talked a lot about money; in fact, He talked about money more than He talked about heaven and hell—combined? Ever wonder why the subject of His parables concerned finances more than any other topic?

Here are a few basic principles about dealing with God’s money.

1. Every cent we have belongs to God, not to us. If every part of us is surrendered to Christ and His will then so are our wallets. God has entrusted to us to be good stewards, not owners. The goal of being good stewards of God’s money is ultimately to bring Him glory.

2. God looks at our attitude toward money, not our quantity. Some people think that having a great amount of wealth is sinful and wrong. However, nowhere in Scripture will you find God condemning those who have a large amount of money or possessions. He condemns those whose attitudes about money are wrong. It’s always a matter of the heart with God. Our finances are no exception.

3. How we use our money will reflect the true intentions of our heart. Take a look at your chequebook or your next bank statement. Notice where you have spent your money in the last month or two? That’s where your heart is. (Where you treasure, there your heart will be also.)

How I handle my money is not a financial matter as much as it is a spiritual matter. Bringing tithes and offerings before the Lord is a form of worship. How I handle my money has eternal consequences (ie my use of it can effect others). And I grasped that the Lord was pleased with me when I handled my finances wisely and discerningly.

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