Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When you lose 'it'

Here are some final thoughts from Craig Groeschel's Book.

Maybe its time for you to ask him for it. For him to become the true center of your life.
- First, I had to admit that I had lost it. I’ve lost it. Ive taken my eyes off the prize. I’ve been distracted from a wholehearted pursuit of Christ.
- Second, decide to get it back. My role as a pastor was interfering with my passion for God. Slowly I started to fall in love with God again – not with his bride, the church.

I’ve made three prayers a part of my daily prayer life. These heartfelt and dangerous prayers have helped me to keep it.

Stretch Me
God wants to stretch you. He wants you to live by faith, to believe him. It will mean putting yourself in new environments. Experiencing something new. Something different. Ask God to stretch you. Then follow his direction. He might direct you to change your leadership style or the way you preach. He might challenge you to go to a third world country and leave behind part of your heart. He might ask you to give like you’ve never given before. He might lead you to do something your closest friends believe is foolish and impossible. Attempt what others say can’t be done. You have more in you than you realize. God has put more in you than anyone else sees.

Ruin Me
Whenever I meet someone who has it – a heart abandoned for Christ – I’m meeting ruined people. I’m not talking about a destructive ruin. I’m referring to the work of a loving God who breaks us and ruins us for his glory. Maybe its time to let God ruin you. Let God crush you with a burden.

Heal Me
Allow the Spirit of God to make things new within you!

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